91¶ÌÊÓƵ (91¶ÌÊÓƵ) offers more than 100 programs leading to Bachelor's Degrees, Associate Degrees, Technical Certificates, and Applied Technology Diplomas, as well as Career Training programs. Students graduate job-ready and opportunities such as internships, capstone projects and service learning complement their academic study. Programs such as Performing & Visual Arts further enhance the 91¶ÌÊÓƵ educational experience.
Explore 91¶ÌÊÓƵ Programs by:
Advanced Manufacturing Hub
Adult Education
Air Conditioning, Refrigeration and Heating
Arts, Humanities, Communications and Design (Meta Major)
Associate in Arts Degree Tracks
Associate in Science Programs
Bachelor's Degree Programs
Biomedical Sciences Certificate of Professional Preparation
Building Construction
Business (Meta Major)
Career Development Program
Career Training Programs
Central Service Technology
College Readiness Programs
Commercial Vehicle Driving
Computer Information Technology
Criminal Justice
Dental Hygiene
Digital Media Technology
Dramatic Arts/Theatre
Drafting and Design Technology
Early Childhood Education
Education (Meta Major)
Educator Preparation Institute
Electrical Power Technology
Electronics Engineering Technology
Emergency Administration and Management
EMT (Emergency Medical Services)
Fielden Institute for Lifelong Learning
Fire Fighter—Emergency Medical Technician—Combined
Fire Science
Foreign Language
Health Science (Meta Major)
Healthcare Informatics Specialist
Healthcare Management
Health Science
Health Navigator Specialist
Health Services Management
Home Health Aide
Hospitality and Tourism
Human Services
Industry, Manufacturing and Construction (Meta Major)
Interior Design Technology
Landscape and Horticulture Technology
Law Enforcement—Florida Law Enforcement Academy
Law Enforcement—Academy Track
Lifelong Learning—Fielden Institute
Lincoln Park Career Pathways Initiative
Logistics and Transportation Specialist
Marketing Management
Math Instructional Support QEP
Medical Assisting
Medical Coder/Biller
Medical Laboratory Technology
Nursing Assistant
Nursing—Practical Nursing
Nursing—Registered Nursing (R.N.) to B.S.N.
Paralegal Studies/Legal Assisting
Paramedic (Emergency Medical Services)
Performing and Visual Arts Programs
Pharmacy Technician
Physical Education
Physical Therapist Assistant
Political Science
Project STAGE
Public Administration
Public Safety (Meta Major)
Respiratory Care
Restaurant Management
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (Meta Major)
Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems and Applications
Social and Behavioral Sciences and Human Services (Meta Major)
Supervision and Management for Industry
Surgical Services (Technology)
Technical (College Credit) Certificates
Transportation and Logistics
Agriculture (General)
Biology (General)
Biology (Preprofessional)
Economics (Social Sciences)
Education (Elementary/Special)
Education (Secondary)
*One of 14 degree programs with courses that can be completed entirely online. At least one proctored assessment is required for each online course. Some programs may also require the student to complete a practicum experience.
Associate in Arts Degree - College Transfer Program
The Associate in Arts (A.A.) degree program is designed for students who intend to continue their education in a Baccalaureate Degree program. With the A.A. degree, the student may transfer as a junior to a college or university in Florida or enroll in a baccalaureate degree program at 91¶ÌÊÓƵ.
To assist with planning, 91¶ÌÊÓƵ has identified a number of program tracks within the framework of the A.A. degree program to prepare students for many of the most common transfer majors. An advisor can work with the student to develop a customized plan for the intended transfer institution as well as for additional transfer majors not included in this list. When you graduate from 91¶ÌÊÓƵ with an A.A. degree, your diploma with say Associate in Arts. Even though you’ll have picked a specialization, or ‘transfer track,’ so you are prepared for your upper division coursework, 91¶ÌÊÓƵ doesn’t identify this as an individual ‘major’. There is just one A.A. degree.
It is essential that students in the A.A. degree program choose electives that satisfy requirements for their intended transfer major. Your assigned advisor can help you create a personalized academic plan which outlines the right classes to take each semester so that you have a smooth and successful transfer.
Air Conditioning, Refrigeration and Heating Systems Technology
Automotive Service Management Technology
Building Construction Technology
Computer Information Technology *
Crime Scene Technology
Criminal Justice Technology *
Criminal Justice Technology—LE Track
*One of 14 degree programs with courses that can be completed entirely online. At least one proctored assessment is required for each online course. Some programs may also require the student to complete a practicum experience.
*One of 14 degree programs with courses that can be completed entirely online. At
least one proctored assessment is required for each online course. Some programs may
also require the student to complete a practicum experience.
**These programs include multiple field experience requirements in Florida schools.
View the view book.
Advanced Manufacturing
Air Conditioning, Refrigeration and Heating Apprenticeship
Air Conditioning, Refrigeration and Heating Technology I
Air Conditioning, Refrigeration and Heating Technology II
Automotive Service Technology I
Automotive Service Technology II
Correctional Officer: Basic Recruit Training
Diesel Technician Apprenticeship
Firefighting: Basic Recruit Training
Fire Fighter – Emergency Medical Technician – Combined
Florida Law Enforcement Academy: Basic Recruit Training
Home Health Aide
Law Enforcement Officer Crossover from Correctional Officer
Mechanical Drafter Apprenticeship
Mechatronics Technician Apprenticeship
Medical Assisting Apprenticeship
Medical Assisting
Nursing Assistant
Pharmacy Technician
Pharmacy Technician Apprenticeship
Practical Nursing
Specialized Career Education – Advanced
Specialized Career Education – Basic
Surgical Technologist Apprenticeship
Welding Apprenticeship
Accounting Technology Management
Accounting Technology Operations
Accounting Technology Specialist
Air Conditioning, Refrigeration and Heating Systems Technology
Automotive Service Technician
Basic Electronics
Child Care Center Management Specialization
Computer Programming Specialist
Event Planning Management
General Automotive Technician
Graphic Design Support
Guest Services Specialist
Health Informatics Specialist*
Health Navigator Specialist
Help Desk Support Technician
Human Resources Administrator*
Information Technology Support Specialist*
Landscape and Horticulture Specialist
Landscape and Horticulture Professional
Landscape and Horticulture Technician
Lasers and Photonics
Logistics and Transportation Specialist
Marketing Operations
Medical Coder/Biller*
Mechanical Drafter Apprenticeship
Mechatronics Technician Apprenticeship
Preschool Specialization
Residential Air Conditioning, Refrigeration and Heating Systems Assistant
Robotics and Simulation Technician
Rooms Division Management
Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems and Applications
*These technical certificates can be completed entirely online. At least one proctored assessment is required for each online course. Some programs may also require the student to complete a practicum experience.
The Arts, Humanities, Communications and Design Meta Major is designed for creative people who are interested in careers such as music, graphic arts, digital media, television and film. It also encompasses fields such as writing, history and law.
The Business Meta Major encompasses majors in accounting, business administration, finance, and marketing. If you see yourself as a business owner, manager or working for a big corporation, this is the meta major for you.
If you want to make a difference as a teacher, principal, or in some other academic role, you’ll want to choose the Education Meta Major.
There are many careers within the Health Science Meta Major, including jobs requiring patient care to laboratory testing and healthcare management. Programs range from respiratory therapist or dental hygienist, to a Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing, to graduate school options including Pharmacy School.
Do you like to build or fix things? The Industry, Manufacturing and Construction Meta Major includes fields such as architectural design, automotive service technology, construction technology, drafting and design, air conditioning, refrigeration and heating.
The Public Safety Meta Major puts you on the path to careers in criminal justice, paralegal studies, and fire science technology. If you can picture yourself as a police officer, detective or responding to an emergency, this is the meta major for you.
The STEM Meta Major represents some of the fastest-growing high-tech fields. If you elect to pursue a career as an engineer, computer programmer or as a bio-chemist in a research lab, this meta major is for you.
Do you have a desire to learn how and why society impacts us? Do you want to help your community by serving in government, or help individuals, youth and families as a social worker? If so, the Social and Behavioral Science and Human Services Meta Major is for you.

Career Pathways Programs
College Readiness Programs / TRIO
- a public Charter High School in Martin County
Short-term Workforce Credentialing & Certificate Programs

Post-Baccalaureate Certifications
Certificate of Professional Preparation in Biomedical Sciences
Educator Preparation Institute
Information Sessions
91¶ÌÊÓƵ offers in-person and virtual Information Sessions for many of its programs. Learn more and register here.
Printed, archived copies of 91¶ÌÊÓƵ College Catalogs are available in the Main Campus library. Other requests for archived information should be sent to the Curriculum Support Office on the Main Campus or requests may be made to
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